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  • Writer's pictureKevin D

Brian Hankins of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina could possibly be the biggest loser on the planet. His massive insecurities, delusions of being something great, bald head, hideous looks and overall high level of stupidity have led Brian to being the laughing stock of the internet. A quick trip to the website will show the many many posts from and about Brian where he displays his lack of intelligence and pictures no one wants to see.

Brian has been lifting weights for over 25 years and taking massive amounts of steroids and other bodybuilding drugs yet hasn't changed 1% in all those years. His weight has stayed the same, his look has gotten worse and his lifting ability hasn't changed one bit. He has a habit of challenging people to lifts, among other things, but when challenged himself makes up excuses and runs and hides.

Brian claims to be a great fighter, wrestler and mma pugilist, but when his name is searched he is 0-3 in mma fights and got destroyed by the infamous destroyer of men Jamie Clegg. Brian challenged a fellow named 38 returns on getbig, and when 38 returns, who is unable to enter America offered to fly Brian and his snaggletoothed wife over to England, pay for his flight, accomodation and everything, Brian cowered away with excuses as usual. When the facts are looked at, Brian is a pussy.

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Brian Wood Healy Hankins is a proven woman beater, drug user, steroid abuser, horrible father and the world would be a better place if the end came for him, preferably in something like a really painful car crash where he is burnt and suffers greatly


1. "sheared from the bone Tricep"
2. Restless Leg syndrome
3. Shaky hands from childhood
4. Bone on Bone knees and surgeries (Titanium/adamantium rods)
5. Torn right pec
6. Surgical re-attachment of right tricep
7. 3 Shoulder surgeries, one on the right side the other 2 were on the left side.
8. Cut bicep tendon from a shoulder surgery
9. Barrett’s esophagus
10. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
11. Crohnes disease
12. Bile reflux
13. Hiatal hernia
14. Umbilical hernia
15. Polyps and cyst (pre-cancerous)
16. Bleeding ulcer
17. Bloody shits, nausea and indigestion and vomiting
18. shin splints in the forearms
19. magnesium and other mineral deficiencies
20. Stingray puncture of left or right foot (he can't remember, see dementia below and "225x15" and 7=10-11)
21. Anemia
22. Anxiety
23. Depression
24. Arthritis
25. Something with the neck from demolition derby (whiplash)
26. ACUTE Organ failure hacking up bile
27. Dementia/Alzheimers (possibly vaping induced)
28. Anorexia
29. "precancerous polyps and cyst throughout digestive system"
30. 2 Herniated bulging disc one lower back and one in the neck possibly causing nerve damage and atrophy on the right arm
31. Astigmatism
32. Broken toe from hopping out of bed
33. Possibly Infected veinless cutless bicep
34. Thrombosed Hemorrhoid
35. Missing esophageal sphincter
36. Male pattern baldness
37.  Erectile dysfunction
38.  Hands and arms completely numb in sleep
39.  Bulimia
40.  Agoraphobia  (not Agorgophobia though)
41.  Lactose Intolerant
42.  Baker's cyst
43.  Cleggian shoulder dislocation
44.  Two-step "sliding knee"
45.  "temporary Injury in the quad" (as of 6/28/23)
46.  Throwing up in the morning (daily ritual before dbol breakfast)
47.  Insomnia due to left shoulder aches
48.  Legs still don't bend right
49.  Starvation requiring midnight cooking meals
50.  can’t hear out of left ear and there is a constant ringing
51.  minor tendon strain pull in the right arm
52.  Sore throat
53.  Debilitating sunburn
54.  110 resting heartrate after coffee
55.  Bench press shakes from Adrenalin or Sugar Imbalance
56.  Elevated liver enzymes and high Hematocrit
57.  Pituitary gland doesn’t seem to be making anything
58.  Tennis elbow/stress fracture
59.  Tweaked right bicep from setting denied World Record Strict Curling in wrong weight class
60.  Red area around the [hernia operation] wound with some yellow puss and a swollen lymph node
61.  Infected hernia side incisions
62.  2 cm meniscus tear
63.  Tennis elbow requiring cortisone injections every 6 months for 2 years
64.  Delts have been dislocated and they do not sit the same in the joint. One is always rolled forward and the other is always rolled backward.
65.  abs hurt when he coughs

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

Brian Wood Healy Hankins

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