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Before I write challenges that have been made to Brian, I have to point out Brian, out of fear and being a coward has accepted none of these challenges.


The most obvious challenge is when 38 Returns on offered to fight Brian when Brian stated he could  beat up anyone on the site get big. When 38 Returns accepted this challenge, Brian immediately made excuses to get out of it. When 38 offered to fly Brian and his wife to England due to the fact 38 is not allowed in the States, Brian broke out some new excuses including his passport had expired.


Brian backing out of every challenge put to him leads to the following statement:

This statement has been proven as fact.



Brian stated he could beat anyone on at ANY lift. When Krankenstein took him up on this and challenged  Brian to multiple lifts, Brian came up with a multitude of excuses as to why he could not or would not do these lifts, after stating he could beat anyone at ANY LIFT (this is proven with screenshots)


As stated, Brian Wood Healy Hankins said he could beat anyone at any lift. With his ongoing semantics, he then changed it to a bench press challenge. In Brians OWN WORDS, all that matters is what you can lift TODAY. He then proceeds to put himself in 2nd place with a lift he did 6 months ago, a weight he could not even budge today. Another fail.


MattC simply stated that he could beat Brian at any lift, but instead of accepting that challenge, all he could do was belittle MattC on his form, and the form was great, plus he MattC can substantially outlift Brian. Brian again moved the goalposts because he was too much of a chickenshit to accept MattC's challenge. What can we gather from this:



conversation between Brian Wood Healy Hankins and MattC

bhank103 [12:41 A.M.]: yoru a ***ing pussy fight mma style bitch street fight whats a matter you have to fight technical your a ****ing ** !
bhank103 [12:41 A.M.]: ugly f**k
The Matt C [12:41 A.M.]: You arent going to win
bhank103 [12:41 A.M.]: come on pussy
The Matt C[12:41 A.M.]: do you realize this?
bhank103 [12:41 A.M.]: im going to kil lyou
bhank103 [12:41 A.M.]: thats hwat ill do
bhank103 [12:41 A.M.]: ill have my boy come in and slash you
bhank103 [12:42 A.M.]: i m a dirty fighter
The Matt C [12:42 A.M.]: You don`t have it in you. You have more sugar in your tank than testosterone.
The Matt C [12:42 A.M.]: give it up.
bhank103 [12:42 A.M.]: then ill bang your girl you pussy
bhank103 [12:42 A.M.]: shes ****ing hot
bhank103 [12:42 A.M.]: ill f**k her to
bhank103 [12:42 A.M.]: lol
bhank103 [12:42 A.M.]: you ugly dumbo f**k
The Matt C [12:42 A.M.]: You won`t.
bhank103 [12:42 A.M.]: oh yeah
bhank103 [12:42 A.M.]: ill stick my 9 icnch cock down her mouth
bhank103 [12:42 A.M.]: you dumbo eared f**k
The Matt C [12:42 A.M.]: She laughs at your patheticness.
bhank103 [12:42 A.M.]: im goign to kil lyou
bhank103 [12:43 A.M.]: i laugh at your ears
bhank103 [12:43 A.M.]: dumbo
bhank103 [12:43 A.M.]: lol
The Matt C [12:43 A.M.]: Will you laugh when you are looking up at them from the canvas?
bhank103 [12:43 A.M.]: your dead
bhank103 [12:43 A.M.]: im goign to have you shot
The Matt C [12:43 A.M.]: I already have you beaten.
bhank103 [12:43 A.M.]: then she will be laughing
bhank103 [12:43 A.M.]: ok tough guy
bhank103 [12:43 A.M.]: your so dead
bhank103 [12:44 A.M.]: you dont no who your messign with you ****ing pussy
The Matt C [12:44 A.M.]: Your futility is noted.
bhank103 [12:44 A.M.]: go f**k your mtoher you aids infest pussy
bhank103 [12:44 A.M.]: your mother is noted
bhank103 [12:44 A.M.]: ill f**k her to
The Matt C [12:44 A.M.]: The only thing you are capable of is defeat.
The Matt C [12:44 A.M.]: You have been a disgrace ever since you were born.
bhank103 [12:44 A.M.]: i got your i p address
The Matt C [12:45 A.M.]: To your family.
The Matt C [12:45 A.M.]: To bodybuilding.
bhank103 [12:45 A.M.]: im goign to find out were you live or your girl and we will see what happenes bitch
The Matt C [12:45 A.M.]: To the White race.
The Matt C [12:45 A.M.]: I am a fan of Hitler.
bhank103 [12:45 A.M.]: 🤓
bhank103 [12:45 A.M.]:
The Matt C [12:45 A.M.]: I will gladly tell you where to find the Wolf`s Lair or the Eagle`s Nest.
bhank103 [12:46 A.M.]: shot shot when the gun goes pop!
The Matt C [12:46 A.M.]: You are no gentleman.
bhank103 [12:46 A.M.]: see ya around sucka
bhank103 [12:46 A.M.]: im goign to kil lyou
bhank103 [12:46 A.M.]: i hate you
The Matt C [12:46 A.M.]: I will see you on the canvas.
bhank103 [12:46 A.M.]: i want you dead
bhank103 [12:46 A.M.]: mma
bhank103 [12:46 A.M.]: or nothing bitch
The Matt C [12:46 A.M.]: Batting your eyes.
bhank103 [12:46 A.M.]: i fight liek a man
bhank103 [12:46 A.M.]: not a pussy
The Matt C [12:46 A.M.]: Incoherent.
bhank103 [12:46 A.M.]: liek you
The Matt C [12:46 A.M.]: You have no focus.
The Matt C [12:46 A.M.]: Nor the will to win.
bhank103 [12:47 A.M.]: 😛
bhank103 [12:47 A.M.]: your gay
bhank103 [12:47 A.M.]: lol
bhank103 [12:47 A.M.]: lmao
The Matt C [12:47 A.M.]: Why do you take your pants off for men?
bhank103 [12:47 A.M.]: bla bla bla bla bla
The Matt C [12:47 A.M.]: Were you touched as a child?
The Matt C [12:47 A.M.]: I am just asking.
bhank103 [12:47 A.M.]: i get more girls then you can imagine bitch
bhank103 [12:47 A.M.]: your jsut jealous cause your girl is ****ing busted
The Matt C [12:47 A.M.]: I don`t need more girls. I have the best one in the world.
bhank103 [12:47 A.M.]: shes ****ing ugly
bhank103 [12:47 A.M.]: lmao\
bhank103 [12:47 A.M.]: grosssssssssssssssssssss ssssssss
The Matt C [12:47 A.M.]: A person who needs many girls has a problem.
bhank103 [12:47 A.M.]: later *
The Matt C [12:48 A.M.]: That means they cannot satisfy one long enough.
bhank103 [12:48 A.M.]: see ya
The Matt C [12:48 A.M.]: to keep around.
bhank103 [12:48 A.M.]: your girl is a ****ing vunt rag
bhank103 [12:48 A.M.]: il f**k her after im done kicking your ass
The Matt C [12:48 A.M.]: So you leave, when she figures you out.
The Matt C [12:48 A.M.]: How gay you are.
bhank103 [12:48 A.M.]: im not even readign what your wrtriteing pussy
The Matt C [12:48 A.M.]: How fake your whole existance and muscles are.
bhank103 [12:48 A.M.]: bye
bhank103 [12:48 A.M.]: lol
The Matt C [12:48 A.M.]: Of course you are.
The Matt C [12:48 A.M.]: I own you, Brian.
The Matt C [12:48 A.M.]: I have already won.
The Matt C [12:48 A.M.]: Remember that.
bhank103 [12:49 A.M.]: ok if you have acll me here s my prepaid
bhank103 [12:49 A.M.]: lets see how big a pussy you sound like
bhank103 [12:49 A.M.]:             516 848 9019     
bhank103 [12:49 A.M.]: ciao
bhank103 [12:49 A.M.]: dumbo
The Matt C [12:49 A.M.]: You will revel in defeat and wallow in it.
The Matt C [12:49 A.M.]: You sir, are a ruffian.
The Matt C [12:49 A.M.]: And a noble such as myself will easily best a plebe like yourself.
The Matt C [12:50 A.M.]: Never forget we command your type.
bhank103 [12:50 A.M.]: ill f**k your girl *
bhank103 [12:50 A.M.]: and your dead grandparents
bhank103 [12:50 A.M.]: lol
bhank103 [12:50 A.M.]: your mom sucked my cock
bhank103 [12:50 A.M.]: lol
The Matt C [12:50 A.M.]: You will do nothing of the sort.
bhank103 signed off at 12:50 A.

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